Tech Top Ten! [Anniversary Week]

Tech, of various flavors, is one of the most asked-for topics in MtM reader surveys, from interactives to media experiences.

So it’s no surprise that many of those flavors showed up in today’s list, which ranks the top ten articles about tech in the past year, according to web traffic at

(I’m glad #10 made it!)

Tech Top Ten!

Elephant, Dog, Gerbil (Updated)
Mind your gerbils

I was waiting for someone to say that

7 Truths of QR Codes
Just don’t get a tattoo made

Interactives 101: Peak Touchscreen
We have arrived

What AI Thinks Exhibition Designers Do
Not half bad, really

#1 Tip for Digital Signage
Obvious once you hear it

Interactive Leftovers
The post with the most amens

The Big Light Bulb in the Sky
Better we not compete

Interactives 101: Sneaky Attract Mode
Hint: communicate before you communicate

Make Your Media Bad on YouTube
Wait, hear me out


P.S. That’s a wrap for MtM Anniversary Week! Thanks again to all the readers, supporters and folks who have written in during MtM’s first year. Next week: back to business.


How to Build a Museum, with David Greenbaum, FAIA [PODCAST]


Content Top Ten! [Anniversary Week]