
Concerts have silences between songs. 

Book chapters have blank spaces at the end.

In this email, there is an empty line after each idea. Here’s one:

Respites don’t just appear because one bit is over. It’s deliberate. They establish rhythm and refocus us.

But in our exhibitions, sometimes we let stuff fill up every surface, every space. Like we gotta hose down the place with content by lunchtime.

We don’t want our experiences to feel like a book that’s one endless chapter. Or a concert that’s one long song. Or this article, without breaks like this:

And respites don’t have to be small, dark, empty spaces.

We could paint a space all one color. Red! Beige. Decorator White.

Or have a nice bench, and otherwise, nothing.

Or we could feature one singular different kind of content. If the exhibition is historical objects, have a respite area with a single painting.

Or, inspirational quote to the rescue.

Or, empty and dark. It does work. It’s just not the only option. Note: empty and dark respites shouldn’t be big.

Here’s the thing:
Like most forms of content, exhibitions need breaks. Fight the content hose with deliberate respite spaces.





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