Museums, Just Do It

Today, an op-ed, if you’ll indulge me.

Museums today appear in countless panicky essays in the press: the pandemic got visitors out of the habit of location-based entertainment. Patrons are staying home to watch Netflix. Our donors are aging out, and those inheriting their fortunes aren’t inheriting their philanthropic priorities.

Perhaps true. But that doesn’t mean museums are doomed. 

It does mean it’s time to fight for hearts and minds. Possibilities abound.

For now, let’s talk about sneakers.

Nike is widely seen as one of the savviest marketers ever. Unlike Apple, Nike sells no user-friendly advanced technology. Unlike Google, it sells no instant answers. Unlike Starbucks, it sells nothing we’re addicted to. 

It sells sneakers. Many. 99% of which of which no one truly needs. How? Partly by hiring a brilliant ad agency and paying them a fortune.

Now people get Nike logo tattoos. Tattoos.

Here’s the thing:
Hearts and minds. Museums — perhaps through museum associations — could do worse than hire a brilliant ad agency for a fortune.

Make people love museums. Get museum tattoos. Name their children after museums: “This is our daughter, Moma.”

Just do it.



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